November 15, 2023

The Most Eco-Friendly Token Has Come to UX

With the help of the Regen Network, we're proud to introduce $NCT to the UX Chain, as the first token of it's kind with a direct positive impact on the fight against climate change.
By UX Marketing

Hey UX Community,

The world is facing a climate crisis, specifically climate change, global warming and its impacts on the world as we know it.

Global leaders have called for immediate collaboration from all humankind to meet this challenge, and after many years, innovators have found a way to bring this fight to the blockchain space.

It began with the trade of Carbon credits back in 1997, which allowed industrialized countries to reduce their emissions by incentivizing the trade of credits. A credit is essentially an allowance to emit a certain amount of greenhouse gasses, which can be traded. All nations have a set number of credits, and if they reduce their emissions, they can sell their credits to nations that need to release more emissions.

The Birth of $NCT

Enter the regen network, the organization that found a way to convert carbon credits into tokens that can be exchanged on a blockchain. This brilliant collective created Natural Carbon Tonne, a tokenized form of carbon credits that are bridged onto the Toucan Meta-Registry, a global carbon ledger on a blockchain. Thus, the NCT token was born, representing both a positive benefit to the planet in encouraging the reduction of emissions, while also helping to foster DeFi across many blockchain ecosystems.

Once $NCT made it onto the Cosmos Ecosystem, it was only a matter of time before it arrived at the UX Chain, the Cosmos' cross-chain DeFi hub. 

$NCT is Live on UX

After the passing of a governance vote that proposed its inclusion as an available asset on our app, we are happy to finally list $NCT as a token users have access to on our chain. We hope that in enabling the supply and borrowing of $NCT, the UX Chain will play a notable role in helping countries across the world reduce their greenhouse gas emissions!

Follow along for more updates on our socials, and visit our app to supply or borrow $NCT!

Best regards,

The UX Team.
